16 March 2023 at 16:00 CEST - Online
Geopolitics of cyberspace:
a multidisciplinary approach
Geopolitics of cyberspace: a multidisciplinary approach
I have been involved for almost 20 years in multidisicplinary studies in the overall area of Internet sciences. This talk will lean on my personal journey as a computer scientist that has moved from very technical dimensions of computer sciences to geopolitics. I will reflect on the difficulty of doing multidisciplinary research specially at early stage of career. I will illustrate my talk with concrete example that shows clearly the importance of multidisciplinary research and will describe its pitfalls and also beauty and interest.
Expression of interest
About the host
Kavé Salamatian is the ERAChair in Maritime Cybersecurity at TalTech. His main areas of researches has been Internet measurement and modeling, network security, and networking information theory. He was previously reader at Lancaster University, UK and associate professor at University Pierre et Marie Curie. Kavé has graduated in 1998 from Paris SUD-Orsay university where he worked on joint source channel coding applied to multimedia transmission over Internet for his Phd. In a former life, he graduated with a MBA, and worked on market floor as a risk analyst and enjoyed being an urban traffic modeler for some years. He is currently distinguished visiting professor at the Chines Academy of Science and working closely with the Castex CyberStrategy Chair at the French National Defense Institute. He has been the recipient of a Chinese academy of Science Presidential Award in 2018.